I am a junior software engineer who is proficient in JavaScript ES6, React, HTML5 and CSS3. I have recently finshed my studies at Thinkful, and I am ready to take the next steps in futhering my career and education.
A live list of the current top 100 cyrptocurrencies. Featuring current price, 24 hour change and market cap using axios methods to pull live data from CoinGecko.
The Decoder Ring is a project to encode and decode any message you like using the cesar, polybus and substitution coding methods. JavaScript functions were created to duplicate the use of the listed methods above, Mocha & Chai were used to write unit testing, and a simple styling with Bootstrap.
Apart from being a Software Engineer, I am also a Music Producer and DJ. I love Techno music, it is truly another one of my passions. I am part of a Duo called He Said, She Said
I also love fishing and being outdoors. When I am stuck inside and not working on a project I do like to watch Horror movies, reality TV, and all types of sports.